Tag: unit testing

Unit Testing in Maya (Part 2)

Edited: 6/18/2016: Updated RollbackImporter to support relative imports and “from package import module” syntax. In my last post, I went over writing scripts that can be used to write unit tests for Maya tools and then run those tests from the commandline outside of Maya. In this post, I'll go over running those tests interactively in Maya. Being able to run tests interactively in Maya will greatly speed up debug times when tracking down issues because you'll be able to see what is going on in your tests....

Unit Testing in Maya

Unit testing is a valuable tool that a lot of studios fail to implement. Unit testing can save a great amount of time and energy (and therefore money) by allowing developers, tool writers, and even content creators to catch broken deliverables before passing them downstream in the pipeline. The lack of unit testing with TD's is most likely due to one of the following: The person doesn't know what unit testing is....